Community Assessment & Treatment Services was founded by Roxanne Wallace and Dan Cratcha in 1990 with a staff of 3 people and 1 program. Today, CATS has grown to employ over 140 individuals and offers multiple programs to serve the needs of individuals and the community. Community Assessment & Treatment Services continues to grow in an ever changing, challenging environment. The following is a list of high points and advancements in the delivery of treatment services.

1990 Community Assessment Program was created as an alternative to “driving while intoxicated sentencing.
1991 CATS moved programming to Saint Alexis Hospital and began operating a detoxification unit.
1992 CATS opened outpatient services.

CATS moved into its first building at St. Alexis Hospital in 1991.
1994 CATS received funding from the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Board of Cuyahoga County and the federal government for the “Target Cities” pilot project. This project funded 16 beds and treatment in order to test whether or not in-patient treatment would reduce recidivism. In response to its positive results, CATS opened an adolescent residential treatment unit at Saint Alexis Hospital.
1995 CATS opened the “Women’s Residential Program” at the Holy Name Parish Convent.
1996 CATS was designated as an outpatient provider for the Cleveland Municipal Drug Court.
1998 CATS opened a “Therapeutic Community” program for men.
1999 CATS received funding to provide a day treatment program (“Changing Faces”) at the Northeast Pre-Release Center for Women.
2000 CATS received federal funding for “Pre-Trial” and “Probation” services. The “Second Chance” program was initiated.

CATS moved to its current main building at the corner of Harvard and Broadway in 2003.
2003 With the closing of St. Michael’s (Alexis) Hospital, CATS’ moved its administrative offices and “Men’s Residential Treatment Services” to 8415 Broadway Avenue.
2004 The “Challenge to Change” program was funded by the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Board of Cuyahoga County in order to help fill a gap in outpatient treatment services for males.
2006 CATS became a Woodruff Award Recipient. Services to the Cleveland Municipal Drug Court were expanded. CATS began a capital campaign for a new women’s residential treatment facility. The “Jail Reduction Program” began.
2007 The “Therapeutic Community” program was expanded to to provide behavioral health care to clients. CATS began a collaborative relationship with Care Alliance to provide on-site medical care for residential clients. CATS’ “Halfway House Initiative” received funding from the Cuyahoga County Commissioners.

CATS added the Women’s Center & Outpatient Services building in 2010.
2008 CATS began a collaborative relationship with Mt. Pleasant Weed and Seed.
2009 CATS was awarded a contract for “Intensive Outpatient Services with Residential Support.”
2010 CATS’ new women’s center was completed; Clients were moved into the new Women’s Residential Treatment / Out-Patient Services facility, adjacent and connected to CATS’ original building.

CATS added a third building to its campus, C-Building opened in 2014.
2012 The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accredited CATS’ outpatient and residential programs for Integrated AOD and Mental Health Treatment for Adults. The 3-year accreditation is the highest accreditation from CARF, recognizing excellence in the delivery of behavioral health care services.
2014 CATS completes the addition of a new building – “C-Building” – for the treatment of populations requiring special programming. C-Building sits on the edge of Harvard Avenue and connect to CATS’ main building.

CATS’ Outpatient Services building at 5162 Broadway opened in 2016.
2016 CATS opens a free-standing building offering outpatient services at 5162 Broadway Avenue and assumes the provision of AOD services at Lake Erie Correctional Institution.
2017 CATS' new, 16-bed Men's Residential Treatment Facility opens up at Summa Wadsworth-Rittman Hospital in Wadsworth (Medina County).
2018 CATS' Outpatient program expands again with a second location at 8245 Broadway Ave., on the property of the main campus.
2019 CATS launches a new Strategic Plan which includes plans to add new programming including on-site Community Housing and Peer support services. CATS implements Employee Services program partnering with Ohio Means Jobs, Tyro Leadership and the Ridge Project.

CATS Wadsworth facility at 205 Wadsworth Rd., Wadsworth, OH 44281
2020 CATS' 30 Year Anniversary! CATS adjusts to the COVID-19 pandemic and is one of the only residential facilities in Northeast Ohio that does not close down to new residential clients during the pandemic.