Congrats, Staff Awardees!
CATS' Staff Spotlight welcomes new staff members to our team and applauds employees who merit special recognition for their contributions to their departments and to this organization.

Whitney Grimes-Peak
Position: Men’s Residential (A/B) Counselor
About Whitney: Please join me in saluting Whitney Grimes who is being recognized for her excellent work. Whitney has been at CATS for four years. She started at CATS as an intern and is now a trusted member of the clinical treatment team. Whitney has a PCC (Professional Clinical Counselor). She earned a Master’s degree in order to sit for her license which allows her to practice independently. She is working on her “S”. When she gets that she will be able to supervise newly licensed counselors who are working on their independent licenses.
1. What attracted you to this field? My family has drug and alcohol problems. In fact, my uncle just passed away from liver disease related to alcoholism. He drank his whole life.
2. What about CATS specifically? I like the flexibility; that I can focus on substance abuse and mental health. I like that CATS takes a holistic approach to treatment. It’s not just 12-steps or just CBT.
3. What Is your favorite part of your job? Working with the clients, having individual sessions with them. It’s not just talking about the rules and what’s broken (referencing the weekly community meetings of which those are the biggest topics of discussion). Veronica (RA Supervisor) and Kalani (A/B Lead RA) have taken over most of the discipline and sanctions. I appreciate this because I can focus on counseling.
4.What is your least favorite part of your job? The community meetings (reference my note in favorite part above to understand why). I’m still learning to find a balance between the clinical and criminal justice sides of things.
5. Do you have any professional goals? Focusing on the clinical aspect of working with clients. I want to get my “S”.
6. Does this mean there is a supervisor position in your future? Maybe. I’m more open to it now than I was.
7. Is there anything you’d like to share on a personal note? My other passion is fitness and nutrition. I coach a boot camp, a full body strength training with cardio in a community environment at Quail Hollow and Core Cleveland in Westlake. I have a dog named Kip. He’s a chorkie. He’s a beast, not a tea cup kind of dog!
8. Favorite food? Donuts. In case you’re wondering, yes, she sees it too. We had a good laugh at the irony of fitness and nutrition coach’s favorite food being donuts.
9. Favorite movie? Star Wars. The original is best. Yes, she will be seeing “The Last Jedi” opening weekend.
10. Favorite TV show? The Office (American Version). Michael Scott is the best!
11. Favorite musical artist? Britney Spears. I have to see her in Vegas before she leaves.
12. What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Going to my husband’s family in Cuyahoga Falls. I’m making the vegetables. I always make the vegetables! (I guess they don’t know about the donut thing).

William Maddox JR.
Position: Men’s Program Manager A/B
About Will:
1. How long have you been at CATS? 4 ½ years . In my tenure: started off counseling in men’s residential. Went to the Federal BOP Program for counseling (Filled in as manager for BOP), came back to Men’s Residential as Program Manager.
2. What attracted you to this field of work? Will is in recovery himself (11 years clean as of December 14th) and he has the desire help others.
3. What about CATS specifically? The Atmosphere as a whole and how we operate as a team.
4. What is your favorite part of your job? Successful Discharges.
5. What is your least favorite part of your job? Having to address and sanction anti – social behavior and unsuccessful discharges.
6. What is something that most people probably don’t know / realize about your job? We must manage our self-care…self-care is the key to doing this job well.
7. Favorite Food / Type? Fried Chicken / Jamaican
8. Favorite Movie / TV Show? The God Father / “Luke Cage” on Netflix (He is a Marvel Super Hero).
9. Favorite Musical Artist / Genre? Don’t have a favorite artist / Smooth Jazz.
10. Is there anything you would like to share on a personal note? Humbled & Honored that my colleagues thought well of me that I was nominated for this.
10. Do you have any upcoming plans or goals (personal or professional) Plan to become an Ordained Minister in January 2018. Looking forward to obtaining my LISW. Hanging out with family for the holidays.
11. What do you enjoy doing when you are not at CATS? Being with and doing ANYTHING with my WIFE!

Juliette Philpot
Position: Resident Advocate - Outpatient
About Juliette:
1. How long have you been at CATS? 2 ½ years
2. What attracted you to this field of work? Was going to school to become a surgical tech…somehow my studies brought me in this direction. I just have a heart for people.
3. What about CATS specifically? In Recovery was homeless and sleeping in my car…one of the young ladies in recovery said…lets go put an application in at CATS. I was praying to God to have employment and the phone rang…it was Ms. Ruth and she told me to come in for an interview…here I am!
4. What is your favorite part of your job? Interacting with the clients and now I am helping facilitate groups.
5. What is your least favorite part of your job? When somebody comes in and we hear that one of our clients went out and died. It is so hard becoming involved in people’s lives one day and their gone the next.
6. What is something that most people probably don’t know / realize about your job? That you have to have compassion and empathy. So many people first starting out in treatment have many “stories to tell” about this and that…but over time we hear those stories change and individuals start taking responsibility for themselves and their actions.
7. Favorite Food / Type? Fried Chicken, Greens, Corn Bread / Obviously….Soul food
8. Favorite Movie / TV Show? The Shack / America Has Talent
9. Favorite Musical Artist / Genre? Yolanda Adams / Gospel
10. Is there anything you would like to share on a personal note? Celebrated 14 years of sobriety on November 27th. I have an Associate Degree in applied Sciences & my CDCA. That I am fearfully, beautifully, and wonderfully made.
11. Do you have any upcoming plans or goals (personal or professional)? To obtain my Master’s in Social Work. (Because) Ricki’s Pushes me…but in a good way…she believes in me and that means the world to me. Also, Ms. Veronica is my ambassador of tough love. She has our best interest at heart. I appreciate her. Looking forward to spending time with my children and 13 grandchildren…love to hear the laughter. Family is what it is all about!!!
12. What do you enjoy doing when you are not at CATS? Spending time with family ALWAYS. Watching movies at home. I’m a home body. Go to Recovery Meetings. Feeding the homeless. I LOVE going to church. She is taking applications for a husband…any takers?

Gregory Hobbes
Position: Resident Advocate – Men’s A
About Hobbes:
1. How long have you been at CATS? 2 years and about 9 months
2. What attracted you to this field of work? First of all, I’m in recovery and understand the pain of addition. Always wanted to help people and this place gives a great opportunity to do that.
3. What about CATS specifically? Don’t want to sound superficial, but it is the family setting that attracts me…things might not always be fair…but families are like that. So like family, learning to take the bitter with the sweet.
4. What is your favorite part of your job? When one of the clients tell me I help them…that is what it is all about!
5. What is your least favorite part of your job? The pay.
6. What is something that most people probably don’t know / realize about your job? The job is very taxing and demanding. Demands more interment / personal relationships then counselors. We have to be there and are more hands on with clients then anyone. We are often looked at as the bad guy, but we have to enforce the rules.
7. Favorite Food / Type? Shrimp / Seafood. I don't eat pork or beef.
8. Favorite Movie / TV Show? John Wick / The Good Doctor.
9. Favorite Musical Artist / Genre? Don’t have a favorite artist / Chicago Style Stepping Music
10. Is there anything you would like to share on a personal note? Been married since April 17, 2016 to Philicia. She is a County Sheriff 21 years and has brought & taken away clients from CATS often enough. I just overall love people and love helping them.
11. Do you have any upcoming plans or goals (personal or professional)? Would like to grow in the field of recovery to a CDCA-II.
12. What do you enjoy doing when you are not at CATS? Watching movies and dancing.

Jerome Wallace
Position: Facilities Manager
About Jerome: Jerome Wallace has recently been promoted to Facilities Manager after working for us for just six months. Upon hire he quickly gained the reputation as being knowledgeable, responsive to requests and quick with a helping hand accompanied by a huge smile. A few of his responsibilities include overseeing facilities repairs, budgets, work orders, expenditures, reporting, forecasting, and team leadership . He also works closely with Char Osterland, Director of Administration, in formulating the strategic direction of the department. He and his Team offered to take on the complete rehab of a building that will soon be the home of our IOP Annex, which is expected to open early 2018, and the results are impressive.
1. Before working for CATS, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had? I was an order filler/billing clerk for a sewing notions company in Downtown Cleveland know as the Hass Company.
2. How has CATS helped you in your career development? My level of commitment to helping my fellow man overcome obstacles has increased. I am more determined to make our client’s tenure while here at CATS more comfortable.
3. What are three words to describe CATS for perspective employees? Caring, Attentive, and Sensitive.
4. What has been your proudest moment at CATS? Seeing the IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) Annex building remodel project coming into existence.
5. How did you first learn about CATS? My wife’s cousin worked here a few years ago.
6. What is your favorite quote? Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself.
7. Top three life highlights? 1.Finally finding my soulmate, who is my current wife , Maria; 2. Going back to school after 35 years and graduating college; and 3. Giving my life to God.
8. What is the greatest challenge in your life that you had to overcome? Being a single parents after the death of my first wife, and raising a 4-1/2 year old daughter.
9. What is the most important thing you’ve learned in the last 10 years? Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take life one step at a time, and don’t forget to smell the roses.
10. What would people be surprised if they knew about you? My age.
11. What is on your bucket list? To Travel the world!
12. What do you like to do on your days off? Rest and do things with my wife.