Welcome to CATS
This information is intended for clients entering one of CATS’ residential treatment programs and their families and friends. The information is not inclusive. If you are unsure about anything, please ask a CATS’ staff member for clarification. Lack of knowledge of the rules is not accepted as a reason for not following them.
Confidentiality of Client Information
- Anyone calling CATS and asking to leave a message regarding a client will be told that we do not acknowledge a client’s presence in our programs. A message can be left, and will be delivered, if the requested individual is a current client.
- Information about a client is never released to anyone, unless there is a Release of Information Form, signed by the client, for a specific person/agency and for specific information.
- Medication of any type (prescription or over-the-counter) must immediately be turned in to CATS’ Staff. Any medication allowed at CATS must be approved by the Director of Clinical Services and is held by CATS’ Staff.
- Prescription medications must be in a pharmacy issued container, with the pharmacy label and the clients name on it.
- Over-the-counter medication must be in an unopened, factory sealed container.
Things You May NOT Have At CATS

- Illegal drugs
- Alcohol or anything containing alcohol
- Prescriptions
- Drug paraphernalia
- Any type of pills, in your possession
- Weapons
- Synthetic Drug Substitutes (K2, spice, bath-salt, etc.), whether legally obtained or not
- Any type of smokeless tobacco (“chew” etc.)
- Any electronic device with the ability to take pictures/video, record anything, or access the internet
- Cell phones (Community Housing clients exempted)
- Cameras
- Handheld video games, cards, dice, etc.
- Any electronic device with external speakers
- Power charges for un-permitted electronic devices (cell phones, video games, etc.)
- Photos of clients, staff, interns, volunteers, or any taken on CATS’ property
- Cologne, perfume, body sprays, scented oils, hairspray, lotions or creams (baby oil in a clear bottle only)
- Pornography (including content of personal electronic devices)
- Food (except for hard candy in unopened, store purchased packages)
- Beverages, coffee, creamer, sugar, etc.
- Mouthwash (except in its original, unopened, store purchased container, labeled as alcohol free) MUST BE A CLEAR AND SEE THROUGH BOTTLE
- Anything with violent, sexual, gang-related, or drug/alcohol references (including content of personal electronic devices)
- Laundry detergent pods only if medically approved (no powder or liquid)
- Spray cans of any kind
- Book bags, duffle bags and suitcases
Package or “Drop-Offs”
Clients in CATS’ residential programs are permitted to receive packages or “Drop-Offs”.
- The person making the drop-off must present a current photo-ID.
- All drop-offs are examined by CATS’ staff for contraband prior to their delivery to the client.
- People making the drop-off are not permitted to see the client at the time of the drop-off and must be an approved visitor on the visitation list.
- Drop-Offs are restricted to one time per week.
- Drop-Offs can be made for:
- Men’s Residential, Women’s Residential and C-Building Drop-Offs: in CATS’ main lobby, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm.
What You May Have in your Drop-Off
Drop-Offs can be made in CATS' main lobby for all dorms. Drop-Offs are Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM, until 8:00 PM. NO EXCEPTIONS.
What You May Have In Your Drop-Off:
- Up to $60.00 (we encourage clients to have quarters for the pay phones and the vending machines).
- Clothing for 7 – 10 days (you have limited storage space and will be able to do laundry).
- No more than 7 pairs of pants, 10 tops, 2 jackets, 2 pair of shoes, 10 pairs of socks and underwear (females: bras & panties 10 each and a skirt or dress may be substituted for 1 pair of pants).
- Clothing in excess of the stated amounts will be considered contraband and will be confiscated and not returned to the client per agency policy located in the Client Handbook. All clothing must fit into your lockers.
- Shower shoes
- A laundry bag (no laundry baskets)
- Personal hygiene products (NO products are allowed that have alcohol in them). All products must be in a new, unopened, see-through bottle.
- Paper, pens and pencils
- Non-narcotic medications that have been prescribed by a physician (proof of prescription is required) ** Please see the Medications section above.
- Over-the-counter medications ** Please see the Medications section above.
- CD players or MP3 players with headphones.
- Make-up must be new, in an unopened package.
- Clients are allowed to smoke in designated areas only. Cigarettes must be in original, unopened package.