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CWRU Med Students Visit CATS

Photo of CWRU Med Students visiting with CATS' clients

We were very happy and delighted to have med students from Case Western Reserve University come visit us to learn more about CATS and the services we provide to the communities we serve.

Social Work & Medical

Our own Lou LaMarca, the Clinical Director at CATS, discussed social work and the medical aspects of the field as it pertains to CATS and the community. Mr. LaMarca gave the students insight regarding the field of medicine and social work in its current state in 2023, how it has changed from years past, obstacles the field faces today, and how people benefit from these services and industry experts and why the field is so important to each of us and our communities.

CATS' client and CWRU med student collaboration

Q&A Collaborative Session

An insightful Q & A opened the floor for further exploration into CATS, social work, the medical field, and their respective policies, procedures, and processes on topics such as mental health and substance abuse.

The students were then able to meet with four of CATS’ clients to share their stories, discuss their firsthand experiences in receiving help and care, and obstacles they may have faced along the way. The clients provided feedback on their experiences they thought could help improve the situations for others that may be in need of receiving help, care, and support while in recovery or being treated for mental health issues. The clients also gave valuable insight on their individual experiences within the medical field and provided ideas and solutions for potential barriers to care and education.

Students also asked questions to better understand the client’s concerns and needs. Students offered up potential solutions to get client feedback on how the medical field and social work could be improved going forward. The clients also expressed what worked well in making their assessment and treatment services more successful.

Mission In Mind

One of the missions is to continue building a better system for all to have better accessibility to the treatment and services our communities need and to ensure continual enhancements to the quality of care and education provided. What better way to continue this mission than providing a platform for future medical professionals to speak one-on-one with current clients receiving assessments and treatments?

Growing Together

We appreciate the time our clients and CWRU medical students took to meet and discuss social work, the medical field, and how CATS works with the community to better serve those in need of mental health and substance abuse treatment and support. This was a wonderful and insightful collaboration where everyone had a voice and input to learn and grow, together.

We look forward to future experiences and collaborations like this so that we can continue the effort for growth within the work that we do and care so much about.
