Justin graduated from our Wadsworth Residential Treatment Program in 2022. While in treatment, he began attending 12-step meetings & eventually obtained a sponsor. Justin became a residential group leader, began volunteering his time in the community, and engaged with Running2BWell, a sober running & fitness program offered at CATS (www.running2bwell.com).
After completing his residential program, he completed his individualized treatment program by successfully completing CATS' outpatient program and moving into Cathy's House, Recovery Housing Program and obtaining employment with Habitat for Humanity.
Justin continues to attend his weekly 12-step meetings and volunteers his Tuesday evenings to facilitate discussions groups at CATS. Almost 2 years after completing his program with CATS, Justin continues to express his gratitude through his words and his actions in our community. Congratulations Justin and thank you for all you do for CATS and our community.
*If you or a loved one you know needs help getting started with a recovery program, we welcome you to reach out to us by phone at (216) 441-0200 or online at www.communityassessment.org.
*If you would like to donate to help those in recovery, please visit Donate : Get Involved : Community Assessment & Treatment Services, Inc.